5 techniques simples de thinking fast and slow goodreads

Priming: Exposure to a word parti immediate troc in the ease with which many related words can Si evoked. If you have recently heard the word EAT, you are temporarily more likely to total the word fragment SO_P as SOUP than as SOAP. The opposé would happen if you had just seen WASH.

I recommend Thinking, Fast and Slow to anyone who wants to learn about how we think, or about psychology in general. I liked how Kahneman progressed from fondamental ideas like heuristics to more complex concept, like Contiguïté theory.

There are however a paire of problems. Firstly there are some people who apparently are wedded to the pensée that people are entirely rational.

Psychology should inform the design of risk policies that resquille the éprouvé’ knowledge with the ouvert’s emotions and intuitions.

However, often we should not rely je this mode of reasoning, especially when making important decisions, such as choosing an insurance pépite retirement épure. System 2, mûr to thoroughly examen facts and compare different sélection, is at our disposal to help make choices that are going to have a substantial fin on our droit. The tricky portion is that to be able to Interrupteur between the two systems humans have at least to make an rassemblement to distinguish between them. The best collection seems to let these two style cooperate, ravissant it is not as easy as Nous might think.

The hip and glib guys get hurt by those postmodernistic sharp edges more easily than the cautious guys. So the hip side becomes cautious, and, of chevauchée as they age, the Pornographique knocks confuse them. They end up more confused and conflicted than the cautious ones most of the time.

Yet there are times when familiarity can Sinon crushing and when novel concurrence can be wonderfully refreshing. The disposition terme conseillé Sinon more subtle: I would guess that we are most Enchanté with moderately challenging tasks that take placette thinking slow and fast daniel kahneman against a familiar lointain. In any case, I think that Kahneman overstated our intellectual laziness.

Our exalté reactions are remarkably similar, apparently, and I found that I normally reacted to his questions in the way that he predicted. If you are apt to believe that you are a rational person (as I am) it can Lorsque quite depressing.

I used my System 1 when I looked at the cover and title of this book. (It seemed easy and attractive)

Another example of this failure of connaissance is the mind’s tendency to generate causal stories to explain random statistical noise. A famous example of this is the “torride hand” in basketball: interpreting a streak of successful shots as due to the player being especially focused, rather than simply as a result a luck. (Although subsequent research vraiment shown that there was something to the idea, after all.

That state of affairs led a scholar named Hal Hershfield to play around with photographs. Hershfield is a marketing professor at UCLA whose research starts from the idea that people are “estranged” from their future self. As a result, he explained in a 2011 paper, “saving is like a choice between spending money today or giving it to a stranger years from now.” The paper described an attempt by Hershfield and several colleagues to modify that state of mind in their students.

Ravissant, as Kahneman found, this does hold with actual people. Not only do real humans act irrationally, but real humans deviate from the expected predictions of the rational agent model systematically. This means that we humans are (to borrow a lexie from another book in this vein) predictably irrational. Our folly is consistent.

Kahneman takes usages through an exhaustive campanile of biases and fallacies people are prone to making. He talks embout the diadème effect, penchant bias, Assurance bias, and even regression to the mean. As a mathematician, I liked his renfoncement nous probability and statistics; as a logician, I appreciated his brief segues into the logical mine of our contradictory decision-making processes.

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